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Gosu, What's in this Box ?

"Gosu" They are 100 goblins divided into five clans (if you see a possible connection with the five colors of Magic, you are not mistaken, the author and the editor being or having been serious practitioners of the famous card game) and in three levels. By recruiting them, you will seek to create the best possible army, the one which will be able to go to quietly beam its adversaries. The object of the game is to win three battles in order to become the super warlord who brings her back. The form that a player's army takes is that of three battle lines. In each of them, five warriors maximum, all of a given level. At most, a player can therefore have three lines of five goblins, or 15 cards. The first is assigned to the herdsmen, levels 1 then, above them, levels 2 and, logically, levels 3 at the top. The particularity of this structure is that there cannot be more goblins at one level than at the lower level. Same thing for clans. To place a blue goblin lev...

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